
Helping Vets Hibernate. It’s that simple. Grizz offers worry free flexibility.

At Grizz Veterinary Services, we strive to empower veterinarians to achieve a sustainable work-life balance by providing a streamlined platform for staffing that enables veterinarians to unwind without hassle.

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Benefits & Services

Simple Scheduling
Grizz offers both map and calendar views so both clinics and veterinarians can schedule the perfect match
Get the Best
Grizz’s star rating helps you maintain the quality-of-service your clients have come to love
Validation Handled
In setup, Grizz will handle verifying credentials, so you can be worry free that your patients are in the right hands
Streamlined Payments
Grizz allows payments to be released once the job is completed, cutting out the hassle of accounts payable

Our Vision

We believe that by putting veterinarians at the center of our platform’s design, we can create a community-driven solution that helps prevent burnout among hard-working animal care professionals. Our ultimate goal is to enable veterinarians to “hibernate” whenever they need to, without sacrificing the quality of care for their patients fostering a culture of balance, flexibility, and support.

About Us

“We care deeply about our community including the great selection of veterinarians that are crucial in the care of our animals every day. I believe Grizz is the solution to help doctors both at clinics and traveling create the balanced life they desire.”

Adam Beary
COO, Co-founder